Wednesday, March 31, 2010


For this upcoming Monday, the movement is to turn off my television and not watch it as often throughout the week.

I do not watch television as it is, so rather than call it good and move onto the next week's goal,
I have decided to replace it with something relevant.
For the Monday, I will not get on Facebook, Myspace, or AIM.
I will only be on to check my e-mail as I am apartment hunting at the moment and have online homework.
Aside from that, no social networking.
This will be a toughie.

I can do it though (:


  1. please still call/text me. Thank you.

  2. Haha phones are not eliminated (:

  3. It isn't often that people acknowledge these things. I love asking myself a question each morning that evokes thoughts and reflection on the little things in life.

  4. Anonymous,

    that is an admirable thing. hopefully these ponderings are positive things. (:
