Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here is where your carvings rest.

I began this slam on November 11, 2009 in the mid afternoon.
I completed this slam at 3 am in a donut shop, February 23, 2010.

Strumming, drumming, moving my fingers across this artificial wood
I can hardly peel my lids from themselves,
But I kind of rather like them where they are
Because I see you.
I see how you were before the time you said
that forever was not where we would be
as we trudged across the present.
Your presence lingers,
Behind the rhythmic batting my lashes do
To stay alive.
As they fall lifeless,
The contours of who you were caress my senses,
And I feel your fingertips begin to peel apart my thinned out flesh
 I feel my ribcage falter,
Allowing pieces of its bars
To split apart and allow you to slip in,
Draped by the dark I have hidden beneath
The rhythmic pulsations of who I really am.
I feel the purple running through my limbs
Slow just a little as its bravery is tested
And the value of color is weighed.
I feel my body exhale just a bit as you wedge your way in
And remain
Nestled up in the nook of whispered past
and frightened future.

But how dare you cradle yourself within me
And commence this frenzy,
This unstable, frantic, unstoppable
How dare you press yourself between my lids,
the pages that I will never rewrite
no matter how many times I discover them?
The seams you have sewn
Won’t be anything less than intertwined.
How dare you press yourself between
my very breath
and call it home
when I never found that in you?
When you never gave me anything more
Than a plastic impression
as to what living
blindfolded by another could be?
I want you out.
I want more than anything to rip my dying lids
Because I have finally found
That this oxygen I had been taking
Into foolish lungs will never be good enough
No matter how fast or how hard they pump
And create the breath that dances on leaves
It will never dance across your skin.
It will never find its way back into your lungs,
Your circulatory system,
And escape your lips as an utterance of life.

I want to forget every line of your face that I committed to heart
As we lay in the dark
And I prayed to God that I could have this one thing always.
I want to forget the curve of your soul against mine
And the way I pressed myself close enough to believe
That sometimes breathing isn’t needed to survive.

I once told you that not even fairy tales
Were capable of us,
Not even the world could fathom us
And you once said that
the ink of my words would sink into your skin
and find somewhere to rest assured.
That my very being was your breath.

But you are a fucking liar.

I never knew that ink was ephemeral
Until I watched you let the waves take it back out to sea
Like a scraped out, scratched out, sunken in
Love note on the beach.
I never knew that your pearly whites
Were stronger than gates
As your guilt swallowed itself back down your throat
And your words struck my ears like symphonies do the blind.
Sometimes not even seeing eyes can spot the ugly
through the beauty of sound
because as your lips moved in that curve
I wanted to mold myself into,
the motions of you stretched my body thinner than
my patience.
I never knew that I was dying
Until that time I told you, maybe I need you,
And your silence was resounding.
Your apologies are resounding
As they reverberate upon the walls of my conscience,
Beating into me that everything you ever told me
Was the authentic craft of one liners tucked into
Your back pocket,
Held on reserve for her, her, me, her.
I never knew that breath
is irrelevant to existence until the day
I choked on truth
And you buried your lungs. 


  1. this is amazingly beautiful

  2. Why thank you. Why may I accredit my thanks to? (:

  3. Just kidding, it's horrible

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Ha, who may I accredit the comments to then?
