Wednesday, December 9, 2009

the ocean breathes salty.

As our footsteps found their way across the pavement, the trees were annoyed with us. The way in which our bodies swayed in the wind could not compete with that of the fluttering leaves, but the way our toes found themselves upon air, concrete, air, was an envious feat. We did not know what we had overcome as we braved the forward motion in spite of ourselves, but we did know is that we braved being somewhere.
Somewhere was better than nowhere. The mind above my shoulders told me these things anyway. I have found that the parts that float somewhere between scalp and fingertips lack a grounding device on occassion. The ungraspable form of hydrogen and oxygen that my eyes disappear within is a tedious thing I could do without at times. But most times, I have lost myself here and found that I rather like the refreshing crispness of loss.

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