Monday, September 20, 2010


I failed at smoothing over awkwardness.
I, however, successfully accomplished overfilling with caffeine.
My body is so tired, but an all-nighter appears to be in my future.
I thought of you again today.

I said "some days" and I couldn't help the words as they fell from my lips,
nor could I help the image stretch itself across my mind.
So, I fought back the lump in my throat with another swig of espresso.
It's my new coping mechanism.

My headaches and apparent new attachment to lack of sleep are incessant. I am hardly able to cope with myself. I can't imagine that others are able to deal with me in addition to themselves, but it happens. Oy. 
Ramble. Ramble. Ramble. 

Also, I find myself haunted by the oddest aspects of the past. 
Solution: get the fuck out of here as soon as humanly possible. I may just go ape shit if I don't. Fuck.

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