Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

When your heart is broken you plant seeds in the cracks and you pray for rain.

We broke our feet off and gave them away to the wind.
We traveled better that way some days.
The weights we dragged behind our fatigued bodies and brains were forgotten,
and some moments we gave in to breath.
Some moments, we almost saw that our toes held better eyes than our faces.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

There will be teeth in the grass.

I didn't want to choke on my lungs when I saw you sitting there, contained by everything that I had fallen short of. I didn't want every piece of motion that had led us to this point to stop itself before my eyes and throw itself at me.

But I choked, horribly.
I was overcome by everything I had put behind me and hated you for that moment.

I knew better.
I know better.
I have better words,
but for now I am settling with these.

Some days, all I ever do is settle.